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Know about the Unique Features of the Korean Customer | Korean Market Guide #3 Exploring the Unique Features of the Korean Customer Through the previous posts, we reviewed Korean history along with its geographic features, which contributes to the unique characteristics of the Korean customer. In this post, we aim to understand the results of how these environmental circumstances affect Korean customers. Previous articles of this subject Know about the modern history of Ko.. [EN] All About Business/Korean Market Guide 2023. 12. 27.
Understanding the Geographic Features of Korea | Korean Market Guide #2 Geographical Peculiarities and Trade Environment in the Korean Marke Koreans have lived on the Korean Peninsula for thousands of years. From the beginning, China and Japan have been their neighbors, engaging in conflicts throughout their histories. Koreans recognize their historical land as all Korean Peninsula, but restricted in southern part since after the Korean Civil war. And because of thi.. [EN] All About Business/Korean Market Guide 2023. 12. 21.
Know about the modern history of Korea | Korean Market Guide #1 The Rise of the Korean Market When I was young, South Korea was just a small and relatively unknown country in East Asia. We lacked consumer power, and consequently, there was little interest from international companies in the Korean market. However, since the World Cup in 2002, my country has transformed into a potential market that attracts global companies. Over the past 20 years, many forei.. [EN] All About Business/Korean Market Guide 2023. 12. 16.