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Know about the Unique Features of the Korean Customer | Korean Market Guide #3

Roque Hong 2023. 12. 27.


Exploring the Unique Features of the Korean Customer


Through the previous posts, we reviewed Korean history along with its geographic features, which contributes to the unique characteristics of the Korean customer.

In this post, we aim to understand the results of how these environmental circumstances affect Korean customers.


Previous articles of this subject


Know about the modern history of Korea | Korean Market Guide #1

The Rise of the Korean Market When I was young, South Korea was just a small and relatively unknown country in East Asia. We lacked consumer power, and consequently, there was little interest from international companies in the Korean market. However, sinc




Understanding the Geographic Features of Korea | Korean Market Guide #2

Geographical Peculiarities and Trade Environment in the Korean Marke Koreans have lived on the Korean Peninsula for thousands of years. From the beginning, China and Japan have been their neighbors, engaging in conflicts throughout their histories. Koreans





1. Unique Cultural Sensitivity of Koreans


In Korea, individuals strongly identify themselves as Koreans, emphasizing a distinction from being merely part of Asia or East Asia. Consequently, they do not feel closely connected to other well-known neighbors such as the Japanese or Chinese, and being associated with them or treated as part of the same market is strongly disliked. This common mistake is often made by foreigners when first approaching the Korean market. If Koreans perceive that a brand is primarily focused on other neighbors rather than on Korea, they can feel affronted.

For this reason, one of the least effective marketing strategies in the Korean market is attempting to appeal by highlighting that a brand is launched or famous in their neighboring countries.

Korean consumers place significant importance on cultural nuances. Understanding and respecting their traditions, customs, and values are integral to building trust and establishing meaningful connections.

Equally crucial is understanding the specific preferences of the Korean market. From packaging design to product features, tailoring our offerings to meet the unique tastes and preferences of Korean consumers will set us apart from competitors.



2. Tech-Savvy Consumer Base Korean Dightal Market with Unique Platforms


South Korea boasts one of the most technologically advanced societies globally.
With a high internet penetration rate and a penchant for innovation, our products and services should embrace cutting-edge technology. Digital platforms and mobile applications play a crucial role in reaching and engaging with the Korean audience effectively.

However, this underscores the fact that Korea has distinctly different digital platforms compared to other nations. It's crucial to bear in mind that Google commands only 30% of the total web search market in Korea, and its influence is even weaker in the realm of e-commerce. Moreover, Whatsapp, one of the most famous SNS all over the world, has no market share in Korea.



3. Unique Cultural Base - Collective Decision-Making


Decision-making in Korea often involves a collective process, extending to personal choices.
Family, peers, and colleagues play a significant role in influencing purchasing decisions.

In Korea, it is very common for individuals to research a brand's reputation on social media platforms and seek input from their family, peers, and colleagues before making decisions.Even if they like a brand, they may reconsider purchasing it if faced with negative comments from their social circle. Crafting marketing strategies that resonate with this group dynamic and emphasizing social aspects can significantly enhance our brand's impact.

This inclination in decision-making makes Korean consumers prioritize brand loyalty and trustworthiness. Building a solid reputation and fostering long-term relationships are key to success in this market. Customer reviews, testimonials, and positive word-of-mouth play a crucial role and can significantly influence the purchasing decisions of Korean consumers.



In conclusion, by recognizing and adapting to the unique features of the Korean customer, we can position ourselves strategically in this vibrant market. Our commitment to cultural sensitivity, technological innovation, and building strong relationships will undoubtedly pave the way for success.



Commercial street in Korea
Unique Features of the Korean Customer


