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Understanding the Geographic Features of Korea | Korean Market Guide #2

Roque Hong 2023. 12. 21.


Geographical Peculiarities and Trade Environment in the Korean Marke


Koreans have lived on the Korean Peninsula for thousands of years.
From the beginning, China and Japan have been their neighbors,
engaging in conflicts throughout their histories. 

Koreans recognize their historical land as all Korean Peninsula,
but restricted in southern part since after the Korean Civil war.

And because of this history and geographic uniqueness,
Korean's trade environment.



Korea is kind of an Island, blocked to go north.


Korea is not an island; it is a peninsula.
However, due to the division between North and South Korea, there is no direct path to travel between them.
Koreans cannot use the sovereign airspace of North Korea, which necessitates detours through China or Japan.

Yes, the restriction on direct access through North Korea and the need for detours through China or Japan can contribute to higher transportation costs for overseas products in Korea.
These additional logistical challenges and longer routes often result in increased expenses, which may be passed on to consumers, contributing to higher prices for imported goods in the Korean market.


Know about Korean Civil War and North Korea

The Korean Civil War: Unraveling the Complex History of Division and the Rise of North Korea. The Korean Civil War, which unfolded between 1950 and 1953, is a pivotal chapter in Korean history that left an indelible mark on the Korean Peninsula. This confl




Infrastructure Disparities on the Eastern Side of Korea


The Eastern side of the Korean Peninsula is characterized by mountains and steep cliffs along the eastern coast. The challenging topography necessitates the construction of long tunnels to traverse from the west to the east.

Due to these geographical challenges, the East Coast of Korea faces a deficiency in infrastructure development. Most major harbors are situated on the west side, accentuating the imbalance in infrastructure distribution. This geographical circumstance poses logistical and developmental challenges for the eastern regions of Korea.




Result : The Crowded Landscape of South Korea's Infrastructure Development


After the Korean Civil War, South Korea focused on the development and reconstruction of a few key cities to facilitate effective recovery and economic growth.
This approach is commonly observed in many countries after periods of conflict, where resources are concentrated in selected urban areas to expedite infrastructure development, economic activities, and overall recovery efforts.

In South Korea's case, cities like Seoul, Busan, and Incheon became major hubs for economic and industrial development. The focal point for most logistics and industrial centers is Seoul, and trade bases follow a linear structure connecting Seoul and Busan.
This concentration of infrastructure and economic activities in specific urban centers has led to high population density
and urban crowding in these areas.

However, other cities and the countryside suffer from a lack of infrastructure and human resources.
With the onset of population decline, this issue of unbalanced development is becoming more pronounced.


Know about the Unique Features of the Korean Customer | Korean Market Guide #3

Exploring the Unique Features of the Korean Customer Through the previous posts, we reviewed Korean history along with its geographic features, which contributes to the unique characteristics of the Korean customer. In this post, we aim to understand the r



Map and Compass
Geographic Features of Korea


