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Know about the modern history of Korea | Korean Market Guide #1

Roque Hong 2023. 12. 16.


The Rise of the Korean Market


When I was young, South Korea was just a small and relatively unknown country in East Asia.
We lacked consumer power, and consequently, there was little interest from international companies in the Korean market.

However, since the World Cup in 2002,
my country has transformed into a potential market that attracts global companies.
Over the past 20 years, many foreign companies have entered the Korean market, recognizing its growing potential.

Despite the passage of time, there are still challenges in navigating this market.
Even huge global companies have faced difficulties and chosen to withdraw.

This post serves as a basic introduction to the Korean market for those interested in exploring opportunities here.




What influences the Korean culture? Modern History of Korea


To understand the culture, it's crucial to grasp the history first.
Korea underwent significant changes in the 19th century compared to other nations.
The generation that experienced war is still alive,
and baby boomers who grew up post-war hold prominent positions in companies.

Let's take a brief look at what happened in Korea.



Modern History of Korea - Colonial Notification


At the beginning of modern history, Korea was conquered by Japan. Under Japanese governance,
many Koreans suffered forced labor and lost their lives.
After gaining independence from Japan, our nation endured a civil war and eventually reached a truce.

This history is deeply imprinted in the minds of most Koreans
and serves as an explanation for the prevalent mix of abnormal hostility and admiration towards Japan.



Military Dictatorship After the War and Miracle of Han river


The civil war had devastating consequences, destroying all infrastructures in Korea
and plunging the country into extreme poverty during the 1960s.
However, with the emergence of military dictatorship, the Korean industry experienced remarkable and rapid growth.

Of course, many people fought for democracy and freedom, enduring torture, imprisonment, and death.
As a result, we finally removed the militarized government and established a democracy.


▼▼Know more about the effect of Korean civil war▼▼

Dividing Line Between North and South Korea, know about the DMZ

Dividing Line Between North and South Korea, The Korean Demilitarized Zone(DMZ): Bridging the Divide The dividing line between North and South Korea, which is called The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), stands as a stark reminder of the enduring division b




The Great '90s and Economic Crisis


Following the 1990s, everything seemed to be on an upswing.
The economy experienced stable growth, and the era marked an end to wars and dictatorship.

However, soon after, an economic crisis unfolded,
leading to the bankruptcy of even major companies and widespread layoffs.
Since this period, Korean companies have adopted more conservative hiring practices,
making it challenging for the younger generation to secure good jobs.




Result : Deep, various generation gap among all Korean culture


Over the course of a century, Korea has developed deep and diverse generational gaps across its culture.
Even individuals of the same age may be influenced by their parents, grandparents, and other relatives,
contributing to the complexity of these differences.

So, if you are planning to expand your business into the Korean market, it's crucial to carefully examine these cultural differences and make decisions about your target audience accordingly.


Image of Korea
Gyeongbok Palace night view


▼▼ The Next Post in This Series ▼▼



Understanding the Geographic Features of Korea | Korean Market Guide #2

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