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Know About Drug Policy in Korea

Roque Hong 2023. 12. 28.


How is the Korean government and society managing drug issues?


Korea has strict drug laws and policies.
Not evne the law, Korean has somewhat prode themselves as they have drug-free country.
But recently the drug crime rates getting higher and higher, it became one of the big issue among Korean society

In this post, we review the drug policy in Korea and explore how it has become a significant issue in the country recently.




The Key Points Regarding Drug Policy in South Korea


For decades, South Korea has implemented strict drug laws, positioning itself as a country intolerant of any form of drug abuse. The zero-tolerance policy has been a source of pride for many Koreans, reflecting a collective commitment to maintaining a clean and safe environment.

The key points regarding drug policy in Korea is as followings:

  1. Strict Enforcement 
    South Korea has a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal drugs. Possession, use, and trafficking of drugs, including marijuana, can result in severe legal consequences, including imprisonment.

  2. Drug Testing: Drug testing is not uncommon in various settings, such as workplaces and schools. Employers and educational institutions may conduct random drug tests, and a positive result can lead to disciplinary action.
  3. Penalties: Penalties for drug-related offenses can be severe, including lengthy prison sentences and heavy fines. Foreigners caught with illegal drugs may face deportation after serving their sentences.

  4. Marijuana: Marijuana is illegal in South Korea, both for recreational and medical use. Possession, sale, or cultivation of marijuana can lead to criminal charges.

  5. Prescription Medications: Some prescription medications that are legal in other countries may be restricted or prohibited in South Korea. Travelers should check with the Korean embassy or consulate to ensure that any necessary medications comply with local regulations.

As the Korean government accepts both the Territorial Principle and the Personal Principle, severe consequences can result for both foreigners in Korea and Koreans in foreign countries.




Recent Drug Issues in Korea


Since 2022, there has been a significant increase in drug-related crime in Korea, particularly among adolescents. In response, the Korean government has established a task force team to dismantle the drug chain in Korea and has intensified its investment in combating this issue.

Amid several significant drug-related incidents, Korean society is more concerned about drug criminals than ever before. The police have declared 'war on drugs,' and since then, the Prosecutors' Office has announced a continued increase in performance.


Korean Drug regulation
Drug regulation in Korea


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