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What are NASDAQ and the NASDAQ Composite Index? | Economic Word What are NASDAQ and the NASDAQ Composite Index? Even for those who are just beginning to delve into economic news, it's easy to come across articles discussing various indicators such as NASDAQ, KOSPI, and more, while talking about the current global economic situation.Today, let's take a closer look at one of the most prominent stock market indices in the United States: the NASDAQ Composite Ind.. [EN] All About Business/Economics Words 2024. 5. 5.
Mortgage: Meaning and Subprime Mortgage Crisis | Economics Word Mortgage and Mortgage-Backed Securities: Meaning and Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the United States  Mortgage and Motgage-Backed Securities(MBS) What is a Mortgage?A mortgage originates from the French words "Mort" (death) and "Gage" (pledge), but it refers to obtaining a loan by using real estate as collateral. In other words, a mortgage is a loan secured by real estate. During the repayment per.. [EN] All About Business/Economics Words 2024. 5. 3.
Meaning of Default Declaration | Economic Word What is a Default Declaration? Meaning and Examples of Default   Meaning of Default Declaration The default declaration of a country refers to a situation where the country fails to meet its debt obligations. Even outside of national contexts, when default declaration is mentioned in economic terms, it often refers to a country's default on its debt.Default is similar to a moratorium in that it .. [EN] All About Business/Economics Words 2024. 5. 3.
What is a moratorium? Meaning and cases of moratorium | Economic Word Moratorium Declaration: Meaning and Examples  Meaning and Definition of Moratorium Moratorium originates from the Latin word "Morari" meaning to delay, and it refers to when a country postpones payment on external debts.In simpler terms, it means, "We'll pay the money eventually, but we don't have it right now, so please wait."Repayment of debt is not only about the amount but also about adherin.. [EN] All About Business/Economics Words 2024. 5. 2.
Meaning of COO, CI, PL, MSDS - Let's Learn About Shipping Documents | Global Trade Word Types and meanings of various shipping documents Global trading is all about documents. Naturally, logistics, one of the central tasks of trade transactions, is also composed of various documents and processes. Shipping documents, in particular, play a crucial role among them and are essential elements for effective logistics management and the success of international trade.In this article, let.. [EN] All About Business/Economics Words 2024. 5. 2.